📔Main agenda

Year 3

🧠 MM

Quiz 2

Quiz 1

📑Summary of case and ILOs:

1. To demonstrate knowledge of the functional links between speech and hearing
2. To demonstrate knowledge of the cognitive development of speech
3. To demonstrate knowledge of the structures in the nose and throat that can affect the ear
4. To demonstrate knowledge of the pathology of the ear, nose and throat in this case
5. To demonstrate knowledge of the process of attention and its role in information processing 
6. To demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of the ear
7. To demonstrate knowledge of the types of hearing loss and how to differentiate them
8. To demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and function of the vestibular system
9. To demonstrate knowledge of the neuronal pathways between the ear and the auditory
areas of the cerebral hemispheres
10. To demonstrate knowledge of the key social and psychological consequences of hearing


1 What is the Anatomical structure of ( Ear , Throat )?
: 2 What is the Anatomical structure and Function of vestibular system ?
: 3 What is the Pathway, Mechanism and Perception of hearing ?
:4 What is the relation between hearing and speech development?
:5 What are the Causes and Types of hearing impairment ?
6: What is otitis media :
* Causes
* Sign and symptom
* Pathophysiology
* Prognosis (causes of recurrent otitis media )
* Management prof.Ghada Wassif
7 : How can otitis media and acute tonsilitis affect hearing?
8 : How soapy water and diving affect ear ?
9: What are the uses and significance of the following :
➢ Otoacoustic emissions .
➢ Otoscope and tuning fork (Rinne and Weber test) .
➢ Tone audiogram using air and bone conduction .

➢ Tympanogram .
10 : What are the indications of :
➢ Intranasal steroid spray.
➢ Bilateral ventilation tube.
➢ Adenotonsillectomy .
➢ Grommets .
11 : What is the role of speech and language therapist in case of hearing impairments ?
12: What are the impact of hearing impairments on :
A – Academic achievement
B – Verbal communication
13 : What are social and psychological effect of hearing impairments ?
14 : What are the effects of hearing impairments on cognitive development and attention ?


📑Summary of case and ILOs:

1. To demonstrate knowledge of how the movements of the eye are controlled by cranial nerves

2. To demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of the eyes and the role of the individual
components in focusing light on the retina, phototransduction and processing of signals transmitted to
the brain

3. To demonstrate knowledge of the visual pathways involved in image formation and perception

4. To demonstrate knowledge of the social model of disability

5. To demonstrate knowledge of the effect of an intracranial tumour on the structure and function of
visual pathways in this case scenario

6. To demonstrate basic knowledge of abnormalities of the eye associated with this case scenario:
strabismus, errors in refraction, visual reflexes, visual fields

7. To demonstrate knowledge of key aspects of perception and sensation and how they relate to each

8. To demonstrate understanding of the concept of stigma


1) What is the anatomy of the eye and its related structures including the following?
– Anatomy of eye muscles, their actions and nerve supply.
– Orbital cavity.
– Visual pathway and its relationship with the surrounding structures
– Nasal cavity.
– What are the cranial nerves related to vision.
2) What is the physiology of visual pathway including?
a) Formation of image on retina.
b) Visual receptors.
c) Photo-transduction.
d) Signal transmission.
d) Perception of vision.
e) What is Visual Light Reflex?
What is relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD)?
How do you explain RAPD in Hadeel’s case?

3) Define the following terminologies ; – Binocular vision. – Stereoacuity. – Visual acuity. – Visual field. – Orthoptist

4) What is Comprehensive Assessment of Visual Perception? – How to explain the upper outer field loss in Hadeel’s case? – Why the color of red pin changed to grey?

5) What is the relationship between sensation and perception?

6) What are the pathological causes of visual impairment? 7) What is the Definition, Causes, Pathophysiology and treatment of: – Strabismus? – Amblyopia? – Hypermetropia?

8) How can Strabismus lead to Amblyopia?

9) How can Pituitary Tumor affect the quality of Vision?

10) What is the psychological and social consequences of visual impairment? a) How visual impairment can affect the development of normal sensory and cognitive development? b) What is the role of social support (parents, head teacher , medical staff) for a child with visual impairment?

c) What is meant by stigma and how it can be related to the life of the patient?

11)What is disability and what are the main models of it?


🧠 Anatomy

  1. What is the anatomy of the vertebral column, intervertebral disc, and spinal cord?
  2. Describe the relation between vertebral column and spinal cord?
  3. What are the dermatomes of the lower limb?

⚕️ Physiology

  1. What is the physiology of pain (pathway, receptors, neurotransmitters, perception)?
  2. Types of pain and differences between them.
  3. Mechanism of pain radiation.
  4. What is pain gate control theory?
  5. What is the sensory pathway?
  6. What is the mechanism of actions, indications, and side effects of:
    • Paracetamol
    • Ibuprofen
    • Fevadol plus
    • Gabapentin and morphine
    • Tricyclic antidepressant


  1. What is addiction:

    • Signs and symptoms
    • Causes
    • Complications
    • Effects on life
    • Management
    • What is the difference between dependence and tolerance?
    • Explain withdrawal symptoms.
  2. How do chronic illnesses affect patients’ lives?

  3. What is functional disability and work rights?

  4. Why do many doctors find it difficult to deal with patients’ chronic illnesses and complex problems?

🖼️ Radiology

  1. What is intervertebral disc prolapse:
    • Epidemiology
    • Risk factors
    • Causes
    • Signs and symptoms
    • Investigation
    • Complications
    • Management

📚 Case Review

  1. What is sciatica? And how does a prolapsed disc cause sciatica?

➕ Additional

  1. What is a hospital pain clinic?
    • Pain management program?
    • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)?

📑Summary Case ILOs

1.     To demonstrate knowledge of bipolar disorder, its treatment with mood stabilizer medications, and the increased risk of neurodevelopmental abnormalities (particularly neural tube defect) associated with the folate antagonist properties of sodium valproate (Depakine)

2.     To demonstrate knowledge of the structure and development of the CNS and associated connective tissues

3.     To demonstrate basic knowledge about neural tube defects including pathology, epidemiology, investigation, prevention and treatment

4.     To demonstrate understanding of how working memory, attention and anxiety affect patients’ understanding of health information.

5.     To demonstrate understanding of the relationship between poverty, social inequality and mental health

6.     To describe the legal differences between children before the age of 16y and between 16 and 18y

7.     To set out how the ethical principles of consent are applied to minors.

8.     To describe Saudi Commission of Health Specialties Guidelines and how this is applied to decision-making for minors

9.     To evaluate critically the ethical and legal issues surrounding termination of pregnancy regarding the regulations of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties.

🧠 Anatomy

  1. What is the general anatomy of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and its supporting structures?
  2. What are the general functions of the Central Nervous System? 🛑

⚕️ Physiology

  1. How does the CNS develop?
    • What are the abnormalities of CNS development?
  2. What is spina bifida (SB):
    • Epidemiology
    • Types
    • Risk factors and causes
    • Pathophysiology
    • Signs and symptoms
    • Investigations
    • Management and prevention
    • Complications🛑

👶 Embryology

  1. What is meant by:
    • Lemon sign
    • Arnold-Chiari malformation and its types
    • Ventriculomegaly🛑
  2. What are the key stages in the embryonic development of the nervous system, and how might they be affected by anomalies such as spina bifida?
  3. How does the neural tube develop, and what factors can lead to defects like spina bifida?
  4. What is the role of folic acid in the embryonic development of the nervous system, and how can its deficiency increase the risk of neural tube defects?

⚖️ Ethics

  1. What is the ethical importance of Noaf’s age?
  2. What are the regulations of the Saudi Commission of Health Specialties (SCHS) in case of:
    • Obtaining consent from minors?
    • Termination of pregnancy?🛑

🔗 Case Review

  1. How can poor quality of life lead to the development of mental illness?
  2. How does anxiety affect a patient’s understanding of health information?🛑


  1. What is Bipolar disorder, including Definition, Epidemiology, Causes and Risk factors, Signs and symptoms, Diagnosis, investigations, and Management?
  2. What is sodium valproate (Depakine), its uses, side effects, and mechanism of action?
    • What is the relationship between sodium valproate (Depakine) and spina bifida?
    • What are the other mood stabilizer drugs?
    • Which mood stabilizer drugs are safe during pregnancy?🛑